Do you feel like it’s too difficult to make any kind of real change in America? Like the problems are too big and the forces against the change are too powerful?
I felt the same way. I was signing petitions, posting on Facebook, and marching in the streets, but nothing was changing. In fact, it felt like things were going in the opposite direction to what I felt was right.
That’s why I co-founded The Advocator with Darlene Richeson. Our mission is to give each and every person in America a seat at the table when it comes to making decisions in local, state or federal government.
You can use The Advocator to connect with like-minded people who want to make the same changes that you want. And you can hire a lobbyist who knows all of the ins and outs of the political process, so you and your coalition won’t be out in the cold. You can even start a Political Action Committee (PAC) that will help you gain even more influence over the political process.
Remember, government is supposed to work for us.
So, find a coalition that supports your issue, or start one if it doesn’t exist yet. The Advocator puts the power back into your hands, and into the hands of people like you all over America.
It’s a peaceful and legal way to “take the law into your own hands”. You never have to feel disempowered again. Power to the people.